Walking up, Looking Down

Holiday in Hawaii #21

We didn’t have to walk too far or climb too high to have a great view of our surroundings when we hiked the Diamond Head Summit Trail. The hike to the top of the volcanic crater is only 1.3 km and reaches an elevation of just 171 metres but the scene from the top is spectacular.


Our walk started at the Diamond Head Visitor Centre, and from the wide cement path on the floor of the crater we could see our destination at the summit.





The track ahead looked steep, but looks can be deceptive. It was a gentle uphill walk along the inside wall of the crater, with many tight corners and switchbacks and glimpses of the view as we rose higher.



At the top of the track there were several flights of steps. The first set of 74 led to a dimly lit tunnel which ascended through the crater wall for 75 metres. Up another 99 steps and then a spiral staircase and we found ourselves in a Fire Control Station on the outer rim of the crater.




From there the track wound around the outside edge of the crater before another 54 steps led up to the platform at the summit.



More than one million people visit Diamond Head each year and many of them were on the trail with us. But it was worth waiting patiently for a spot at the summit – once there we spent some time enjoying the view of the southern coastline of Oahu, from Koko Head to Waikiki.



As well as the long distance views, there was plenty of wildlife to see on the trail. Far away and close up – it was a big reward for a little effort.


Enjoy more beautiful walks with Jo on Monday.

63 thoughts on “Walking up, Looking Down

    • Thank you. I appreciate the compliment very much. I do try to use my own photos but occasionally I use on of Mr ET’s and for sure it will be the one that gets all the favour. These photos are all mine so I’m glad you like them.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Nothing any more, but they were actually built as observation posts for Fort Ruger and were used as gun emplacements during WW1 and WW2, although nothing was ever fired from any of the stations.


  1. I pity the poor workers who had to create that walk! And I am grateful to you for reaching the top and showing me the views, the walk is OK, but those steps would finish me off at the end.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Jo’s Monday walk : Yorkshire Sculpture Park | restlessjo

    • It looks much steeper than it was and it is not long either. You can walk at your own pace and we saw many people stopping for a rest while others actually ran all the way up. That’s going a bit far in my opinion!


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