Up To The Top

Exploring England #21

Walking – it’s what people do when they visit the Peak District National Park. Some enjoy a gentle stroll through a pretty village while others take on the challenge of hiking the 431 km Pennine Way National Trail.

Somewhere in between the two extremes are 3,005 km of walking tracks with right of way through farming land.

Let’s go – through the gate

up the hill

over the stile

to a vantage point at the top of the ridge.

Walkers are rewarded with expansive views of the village of Castleton and the limestone hills bordering the Hope Valley.

Imagine the views when they go even higher!

Visit Restless Jo for more Monday Walks

Weekly Photo Challenge ~ Atop

43 thoughts on “Up To The Top

  1. Pingback: Atop: Conference Room | What's (in) the picture?

  2. Pingback: Jo’s Monday walk : the walled city of Lucca | restlessjo

  3. This is lovely! I followed you right through the gate! Until you get to the town, this post might have been taken in my neck of the woods right now. We have green fields! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I use a Panasonic Lumix TZ60 and it’s a little beauty. Mr ET uses a bigger fancier Panasonic. I try to use my photos as much as I can and I find my camera takes great photos. I really like it because it is small and light and I can just carry it around my neck all the time.


  4. Pingback: Hidden From View | The Eternal Traveller

  5. Though I haven’t been to Peak District National Park, Mike and I went to the Lake District in 1999 and walked all around Cat Bells, Derwent Water, and Newlands Valley. I wonder if they are near this place. I love the gates you have to cross while walking in England. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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