Wildflowers and History #4

Gurulmundi State Forest

I have a namesake – a baby girl born many years ago whose parents liked me and my name. Until we did the Gurulmundi Wildflower Tour, I never knew I also have a floral namesake.

At several sites along the track we came across these information boards, identifying the most common wildflowers.

Even though the signs had suffered from harsh weather conditions the words were still legible.

Imagine my surprise when I saw this plant on the board.

We didn’t have to search long to find the correct tree.

Up close, the long golden flower spikes were beautiful.

I wonder how many people have a person and a plant named for them.

Do you have a namesake?

26 thoughts on “Wildflowers and History #4

  1. Isn’t it wonderful when you have a flower that shares your name – I have some pinks, although sadly they were not actually named after me unlike your friend’s lovely baby girl

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