Farewell Queensland

Celebrating a friend’s milestone birthday on a cruise along Australia’s east coast, from Brisbane to Tasmania and back again.

January/February 2024

Day One/Day Two – Brisbane

Our 60th birthday celebration cruise began in Brisbane where, from the International Cruise Terminal, we had great views of the Brisbane River and the CBD. 

We started as we meant to continue, with 

  • perfect weather

  • delicious desserts

  • spectacular sunsets over the mainland, with views of the Glasshouse Mountains as we sailed north before turning south into the shipping channel

  • moonrise over the Pacific Ocean

  • and movies under the stars!

Day Two was a sea day, en route to Sydney. Varying shades of blue differentiated the ocean, the sky and the Great Dividing Range, somewhere along the central coast of New South Wales. 

A welcome speech by the ship’s captain was accompanied by the traditional champagne waterfall. 

And Australia Day, 26th January, was celebrated with games, a poolside barbecue and a special cake.

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