18 School Rules

Iā€™m joining Becky in her October Square Photo Challenge over at The Life of B. The rules of the challenge are simple: most photos must be square and fit the theme word Past. Look for #PastSquares. This month we’re travelling back in time in the western Queensland town of Miles and surrounds. We’ll explore the local area and join in the festivities at the Miles Back to the Bush Festival.

Miles Historical Village

The one room school building at the historical village was transported 20 kilometres from the tiny settlement of Drillham.

In 1886, it wasn’t just unruly students who were expected to obey the rules at school.

22 thoughts on “18 School Rules

  1. They may make us laugh now but I can’t imagine having to abide by some of those rules at the time. A young woman or man having to decide between marriage and helping children get an education…that had to be hard.

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  2. Interesting that marriage is classed as ‘unseemly behaviour’ šŸ˜† But I’ve seen similar lists for US teachers from that period and I’m pretty sure teachers here in the UK weren’t allowed to get married either, and in many other jobs too. It was assumed that once you married your job was to keep house and tend to your husband’s needs, and you couldn’t do another job outside the home properly!

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  3. We laugh at those old-fashioned rules, but how different life would be if those kinds of rules were still part of our lives. They definitely reflect the Victorian era, and similar rules existed in the USA, too.

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