#13 Smoke Does Not Get In Your Eyes

I’m joining Becky in her February Square Photo Challenge over at The Life of B. The rules of the challenge are simple: most photos must be square and fit the theme word Odd, referencing one of these definitions: different to what is usual or expected, or strange; a number of items, with one left over as a remainder when divided by two; happening or occurring infrequently and irregularly, or occasionally; separated from a usual pair or set and therefore out of place or mismatched. Look for #SquareOdds.

While we didn’t travel as much as usual in 2021, we were fortunate to enjoy several holidays in our home state of Queensland and one short trip over the border in New South Wales. Join me this month in a retrospective look at the very odd year of 2021. 

Yetman NSW, February 2021

What is this strange creature at our campsite?

While it looks like some alien robot has arrived from outer space, it’s actually a camping stove called a pig oven. Light a fire inside and soon you have warmth and heat to cook a meal or boil the kettle.

And best of all, the smoke goes up the tall chimney and blows away instead of into your eyes.

10 thoughts on “#13 Smoke Does Not Get In Your Eyes

  1. It looks like an alien smoker, but very ingenious. Great for the odd posts. Well, I need to save the rest of your ODD collection for another day and get dressed. The day is moving on without me. 🙂

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