4 Tradition

I’m joining Becky in her October Square Photo Challenge over at The Life of B. The rules of the challenge are simple: most photos must be square and fit the theme word Past. Look for #PastSquares. This month we’re travelling back in time in the western Queensland town of Miles and surrounds. We’ll explore the local area and join in the festivities at the Miles Back to the Bush Festival.

Dogwood Crossing@Miles

Miles may be a small town but its community spirit is strong. The local community centre DogwoodCrossing@Miles stands on the corner of Dawson and Murilla Streets, right in the middle of town. The building includes a library, IT centre, art gallery and a small museum.

A beautiful mural depicting Dogwood Creek covers the outside wall along Murilla Street. Painted using indigenous techniques and motifs, the work was in part created by local school students and tells the story of the creek from an traditional point of view.

13 thoughts on “4 Tradition

  1. Pingback: 13 Collections ~ Part Nine | The Eternal Traveller

  2. Pingback: Let’s Go! | The Eternal Traveller

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