Chocolate Heaven

Exploring Australia
Have you ever been able to enter a chocolate shop and walk out empty handed? No?
Me neither.
And when the shop is attached to a chocolate factory the temptation is even greater. Even those with the strongest willpower will find a purchase impossible to resist if they visit The Factory in the New South Wales coastal city of West Gosford.
In the large factory shop packets and boxes of chocolate, nougat and marshmallows are artfully stacked in tantalising displays.
Handmade confections named after iconic Australian places fill large glass cabinets.
Through the porthole windows between the shop and the factory floor visitors can see all these treats being made. I have to confess I’m too busy tasting free samples to take photos of the production line.
Luckily I remember to use my camera in the café, where the menu boasts five special hot chocolate creations.
A morsel of cake accompanies each drink, just enough to complement its rich flavours and decadent toppings. With such mouthwatering descriptions, it takes much longer to decide which to choose than it does to devour our treats when they arrive.
When afternoon tea is finished and we return to the shop, it’s even harder to select just a few favourites to take away.
I think I might need one of everything!

65 thoughts on “Chocolate Heaven

  1. Surely you aren’t allowed to leave empty-handed? That must be forbidden. It’s definitely the law that you have to buy as much chocolate as you can carry.

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  2. Well, of course, it’s considered positively rude not to purchase a little something or ten when visiting such an establishment. Those hot chocolates look scrumptious. I’m tossing up between the chilli of Seventh Heaven and the ginger of the Gingerbread Man…. Probably a good thing West Gosford is not a close drive….

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  3. Oh my goodness – just looking at your photos has made me put on several pounds! There’s nougat too – which is something I tend to forget about but I had a piece recently and it was so delicious. Which hot chocolate did you choose? It would be a tricky decision I imagine.

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